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SimPlus partners with Frost & Sullivan for Study on Marine Services in Port

SimPlus partners with Frost & Sullivan for Study on Marine Services in Port

SimPlus are working with Frost & Sullivan on a study for the Maritime and Port Authority (MPA), to assess the potential demand and supply for towage services and waterboat water supply in the port of Singapore in the near to long term. The Study is to ascertain the current and future market size as well as the appropriate mix of service providers to ensure that a stable, sustainable and high level of service is maintained for the provision of these essential Services in the port of Singapore..

Frost & Sullivan are a growth partnership company focused on helping their clients achieve transformational growth. They are the world leader in growth consulting and the integrated areas of technology research, market research, mega trends, economic research, best practices, training, customer research, competitive intelligence, and corporate strategy.

SimPlus partners with ISL Applications

SimPlus partners with ISL Applications

ISL and SimPlus have signed an agreement on collaboration on the provision of consultancy services. SimPlus plans to reach out to its existing and potential clients with this new offering, and establish a strong partnership with ISL.

ISL Applications GmbH (ISL) is a sales and consulting organization for simulation and emulation systems related to container terminal operations. ISL’s emulation system, CHESSCON Virtual Terminal, is a product where SimPlus sees good synergy with its own in-house container terminal simulation and consultancy expertise.

Here’s wishing ‘Viel Glück’ to the new partners!

SimPlus works with Dredging International on FSA

SimPlus works with Dredging International on FSA

Dredging International (DI) was recently awarded the JTC contract for dredging and reclamation work related to the development of Jurong Island Westward Extension, Singapore.

To ensure the safety of navigation during the project period, SimPlus is working closely with DI to conduct Formal Safety Assessments (FSA) for its various project activities that are expected to affect the navigation of vessels in the fairways adjacent to the project sites. SimPlus is selected for its vast experience in FSA studies with a deep understanding of local waters, prior knowledge on vessel traffic and state-of-the-art solutions for FSA under IMO’s framework in the local context.

SimPlus undertakes FSA for coastal development work in Singapore

SimPlus undertakes FSA for coastal development work in Singapore

Maritime and Port Authority, Singapore is planning reclamation and dredging works for the development of the future container port. Given the additional traffic created due to project activities and cordoning of certain areas due to dredging activities, it is important to systematically assess the safety of navigation within the affected waterways. SimPlus has been engaged by MPA to conduct a Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) for the 1st year of such project activities, before the actual project works begin.

SimPlus will continue to work closely with MPA and the contractors undertaking the project works, to constantly monitor the situation and ensure the safety of navigation.

Formal Safety Assessment for the development of offshore containment bunds

Formal Safety Assessment for the development of offshore containment bunds

SimPlus has been engaged by MPA to conduct a Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) for the development of offshore containment bunds at the Tuas Port site.

Arising from the un-loading of sand from the delivering vessels for the construction of bunds as well as the movements of barges carrying excavated material for dumping, an FSA is required to ensure that such operations are performed safely within the project site. The study will examine the proposed planning parameters and optimize the construction work and dumping activities to minimize the traffic and marine risk. A standard operating procedure (SOP) is also to be established as a recommendation for the operations.

The study marks the sixth application of VTM in quantitative marine risk assessment.

Cargo Terminal Simulator (CTS) Version 2.0 ready

Cargo Terminal Simulator (CTS) Version 2.0 ready

CTS version 2.0 has been rolled out. It boasts a comprehensive easy to use GUI (Graphical User Interface) which provides the user flexibility in setting up a simulation model of a container terminal and its operations from scratch. Inbuilt libraries of different equipments and related handling strategies allow the user to configure the terminals from among various options.

CTS can be applied for various objectives, such as design and setup a new Greenfield terminal, capacity assessment of an existing terminal and bottleneck detection and performance enhancement of existing operations, among others.

SimPlus’ CTS has been applied for projects with PSA International, PSA Corporation, MPA Singapore and Jurong Port.

Contact us at marketing@simplus.sg to find out more and to request for a brochure.