A virtual terminal for experimenting

Cargo Terminal Simulation (CTS) system mirrors the entire spectrum of terminal operations in a simulation system to answer various ‘what-if’ questions. Berth operations, yard operations and the transport between berth and yard are modeled in a realistic integrated view with diverse modes of synchronization and interaction.
CTS offers a reconfigurable and scalable system architecture to accommodate the complexity of port operations and serve different purposes of planning. In the ports where vessel and hinterland transport tracking is available, it can make use of the real time information to integrate both seaward and landward operations and emulate the activities in a virtual terminal. The distinctive design makes CTS uniquely a handy tool for both long term and day-to-day operations planning.
Why our clients like CTS
- Hassle-free model setup: simple drag-and-drop GUI to build and configure model entities, and to select control logic by simple plug-and-play;
- Comprehensive tool box: comprehensive set of KPIs and abundant library of handling equipment and control logic allowing realistic representations of terminal operations;
- Custom made models: customizable for different types of cargo terminals.
What our clients use CTS for
- Terminal layout design
- Capacity assessment and enhancement
- Impact of green technology
- Performance of new equipment
- Use of location technology
- Operator training