+65 65675002 inquiry@simplus.sg


Automating and optimizing usage of precious resource

Berth Planning and Simulation (BPS) system is a planning system with fast forward simulation for berthing plan evaluation. It is a flexible tool which allows easy configuration of port and terminal layout, as well as operations parameters and policies.

BPS interfaces with berth booking system, terminal operating system, and AIS feeds, if a receiver is installed, for real-time tracking of berth demand and supply. An optimization engine running at the backend matches demand with supply by constantly searching for the best fit berthing location for the incoming vessels. A simulation engine assists the decision making by testing sensitivity scenarios and presenting the expected performance to users.

Why our clients like BPS


  • Inbuilt berth allocation algorithms that automate the berth allocation process based on user settings
  • Simulation engine for quantified assessment of scenarios
  • Optimization engine to find the best assignment plans for incoming vessels

What our clients use BPS for


  • Daily berth planning
  • Berthing capacity assessment and enhancement
  • Operator training

Find out more about BPS and request for a demo