The following documents are in PDF file format. You can download free PDF reader from here.
- Anchorage Capacity Analysis Using Simulation (in The 6th International Mediterranean Modeling Multiconference 2009).
- Capacity Analysis of Container Terminals using Simulation Techniques (in Int. J. Computer Applications in Technology).
- Workload Forecasting in a Container Terminal (in International Maritime-Port Technology and Development Conference 2007).
- Capacity Analysis of Container Terminals Using Simulation Techniques (in International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology).
- Travel Time Analysis of a New Automated Storage and Retrieval System (in Computers & Operations Research).
- Evaluation of Container Terminals Using an Adaptable Container Terminal Simulator (in International Maritime-Port Technology and Development Conference 2005).
- A Review on Simulation and Optimization of Container Yard Operations (in Singapore Maritime and Port Journal).
- Platform-based AS/RS for Container Storage (in IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation 2003).
- Parallel Simulation of AGVs in Container Port Operations (in International Conference on High Performance Computing 2001).
- Web-based Parallel Simulation of AGVs Using Java and JINI (in International Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation Techniques 2001).
- Distributed Routing and Simulation of Automated Guided Vehicles (in IEEE Tencon 2000 Conference).