by SimPlus | Jun 18, 2009 | Publication
A simulation based capacity analysis for anchorages where demands arise from the dynamically changing vessel mix and similarly complex service patterns.
in International Conference on Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation (2009: Spain)
by SimPlus | Jul 24, 2008 | Publication
A scalable simulation system that integrates all the activities of a terminal and tracks the moves of millions of containers from their arrival to departure under realistic vessel arrival scenarios.
on International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology
by SimPlus | Jul 24, 2007 | Publication
A planning tool using historical and online data from the terminal operating system to forecast workload in a container terminal for day-to-day resource and staff planning purpose.
in International Maritime Port Technology and Development Conference (2007: Singapore)
by SimPlus | Oct 18, 2003 | Publication
An analytical model for an automated storage and retrieval system (AS/RS) running on split platforms proposed for container handling in the next generation container terminals.
on Journal of Computers & Operations Research
by SimPlus | Sep 14, 2003 | Publication
An platform-based AS/RS with a pre-processing algorithm that significantly improves the productivity for container handling.
in International Conference on Robotics & Automation (2003: Taiwan)
by SimPlus | Jul 24, 2003 | Publication
A critical review and a comparative study on various decision problems that arise at container terminals and in most cases, the solutions to which go into making up the overall terminal management system.
in International Conference on Port and Maritime R &D and Technology (2003: Singapore)