+65 65675002 inquiry@simplus.sg

AnchorageView, a real-time anchorage monitoring and planning tool for efficient management of anchorages, is now up and running at MPA’s (Maritime Port Authority, Singapore) Port Operations Control Centre (POCC2). AnchorageView allows the user to monitor current anchorage usage and also predict whether there will be ample space in anchorages to cater to incoming vessel requests. If there is insufficient space in any anchorage, the system automatically suggests an alternative location for incoming vessels. The system is currently in its testing stages, and is expected to lead to the following benefits to MPA:

  1. Efficient use of available anchorage space,
  2. Reduction in cases of vessel diversions,
  3. Enhanced navigational safety in port waters and
  4. Comprehensive anchorage usage records.

AnchorageView will also help pilotage service providers better manage their constrained pilot resources, and enable better logistics planning between ship owners and other maritime service providers. Feedback obtained from the users will be gathered and implemented so as to make the system more useful and robust.